P L A S T I C   means   R E U S E

The following is an article from the "Social Issues" newsgroup in the Computational Intelligence Lab, CSED, NITC.

From pappu@anatham.nitc.ac.in Fri Mar 11 19:56:42 2005
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 22:27:22 +0530
From: R.Padmanabhan <pappu@anatham.nitc.ac.in>
Newsgroups: social-issues
Subject: reuse plastic!!!

Dear all,

I have an appeal to all. Our course in the campus will come to an end in
about four months, and we will all disperse back to our professional
lives. I would like to give a suggestion which I hope you will earnestly
strive to do.

Please, please reuse plastic. Especially plastic bags. When you go out
to buy something, please do not accept a plastic bag from the shopkeeper
unless it is absolutely necessary. Small items can be comfortably held
in the hand. Else, if there are many items, please take old plastic bags
with you, dont bring back new ones. Better still, keep two or three
spare plastic bags in your car or two-wheeler, so that even if you
forget to bring the bags, you still have them handy. When you go to buy
food from hotels, take along some container for the curry. Little steps
like this can really do wonders.

I have been following this policy of resuing plastic for three or four years now.
I learnt it from my room-mate in Bombay. I can confidently  say that in these
four years, because of me, there are about one hundred plastic bags lesser on
this earth.

Please try to earnestly follow what I say. Coordinated efforts will
really do wonders. Just dont think about plastic bags, think about
everything plastic...plastic water bottles (reuse them, fill them with
water from home before going for journeys) are again a good candidate.

I hope you will please take this in the right spirit and do your bit to
make this earth a better place.

Thank you.