List of Major Equipments List of Experiments
The setup consists of a hybrid micro-grid with sources as solar energy and wind energy. Solar panels and a wind turbine are installed on the roof top whose terminals are available at the solar-wind wiring panel. The rating of the solar panels and wind turbine is given below..
i. Solar Panel: 1 kW, 450 V, 25 panels
ii. Wind Turbine: 1 kW, 24 V (line to line), PMSG.
Apart from the wind turbine at the rooftop, a wind turbine generator is provided in the wind simulator lab, where the turbine is run using the artificial wind generated by the wind simulator for testing purposes. An uncontrolled rectifier converts the AC output of the wind turbine generator into DC and the voltage is stepped up by a DC boost converter. The output of both the wind turbines and the solar panels is then fed to the hybrid power controller which is a buck-boost converter with MPPT algorithm and dsPIC based PWM generator. By varying the modulation index of the PWM signal generated by dsPIC based PWM generator, maximum power point can be obtained. The output of the hybrid power controller is then connected to the battery bank with the rating of 300 V, 42 Ah.
The lab consists of both solar panel based STATCOM and wind generator based STATCOM. In solar panel based STSTCOM, solar panels are used for charging the battery bank while in wind generator based STATCOM, battery is charged using the wind turbine output. All other components of both the experimental setups are same, which are listed below.
i. Artificial Transmission Line Model.
• Type : 3 Phase Pi equivalent Model.
• Operating voltage : 220 V line to line.
• Current Rating : 2.5 A.
• Short Circuit Strength : 5 A.
• Line Simulation through iron cored inductor. Each Pi section for 30km.
ii. Micro controller based charger for battery.
• Micro controller based buck boost converter with MPPT algorithm.
• IGBT switches.
• Input voltage: 0-600 V.
iii. Battery Bank for 3 phase set up.
• Low maintenance tubular batteries/ maintenance free.
• For 1 kW: 12V/42 Ah – a set of 25 Nos.
• Total battery delivery capacity: 300 V/ 42 Ah.
iv. Source Inverter: A voltage source inverter based converter fed from battery bank with only magnitude control.
v. STATCOM Inverter: A voltage source inverter with control over both magnitude and angle of injection.
vi. DSP Based Controller: PWM signals to both the source inverter and STATCOM inverter are controlled using a DSP based controller.
vii. R-L /R-C load.
The FACTS technology opens up new opportunities for controlling both active and reactive powers and enhancing the usable capacity of present transmission systems. The possibility that power through a line can be controlled enables a large potential of increasing the capacity of lines. This opportunity is arises through the ability of FACTS controllers to adjust the power system electrical parameters including series and shunt impedances, current, voltage, phase angle, and damping of oscillations.
In the Distributed Energy Research Lab, The FACTS controller consists of SSSC AND STATCOM. STATCOM helps in maintaining the power factor of unity while SSSC tries to keep the voltage at the sending end and receiving end equal.

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