
Eddy Current Sensor

Supplied by Micro-Epsilon (eddyNCDT 3070), it is a non-contact, inductive displacement sensor which uses the principle of eddy current formation. These can measure on ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic materials and provide high accuracy, frequency response and temperature stability.

Technical specifications:

1. Measuring Ranges less than 1mm.
2. Resolution greater than 0.02 micro meter.
3. Frequency Response up to 20kHz.
4. Humidity: 5-95% (Non-Condensing)
5. Opearational Temperature Range: 0ºC to 50ºC.

Macro Fiber Composite (MFC)

The MFC is a device to harvest energy from vibrations.The MFC consists of rectangular piezo ceramic rods sandwiched between layers of adhesive, electrodes, and polyimide film.If voltage is applied across the electrode, it works as an actuator and will bend or distort materials, counteract vibrations, or generate vibrations. If no voltage is applied it can work as a very sensitive strain gauge.

Technical specifications:

1. Low field (|E| < 1kV/mm), unbiased-operation piezoelectric constants: -1.7E + 02 pC/N
2. Maximum operational positive voltage, Vmax for d31 MFC (P2) +360 V
3. Maximum operational negative voltage, Vmin for d31 MFC (P2) -60 V
4. Maximum operational tensile strain < 4500 ppm.
5. Operational bandwidth as actuator, low electric field : 0Hz to 750kHz

Data Acquisition Systems

Data acquisition (DAQ) involves capturing measurements of electrical or physical phenomena like voltage, current, temperature, pressure, or sound. A DAQ system typically includes sensors, measurement hardware, and a computer equipped with customizable software such as LabVIEW.

Technical specifications:

1. NI USB-6003: 8 AI channels (16-Bit, 100 kS/s), 2 AO channels(5 kS/s/ch), 13 Digital IO USB Multifunction Device
2. NI USB-6363: 32 AI (16-Bit, 2 MS/s), 4 AO (2.86 MS/s), 48 DIO USB Multifunction I/O Device
3. NI cDAQ-9185 4-Slot, TSN-Enabled Ethernet CompactDAQ Chassis

Digital Storage Oscilloscope

The GwINSTEK GDS-1104B Series DSO is used in this lab. The main function of a DSO is to process, capture, analyze and display the applied analog input signal in digital format and also to store the data in the digital memory. The signals are received, stored, and displayed by the DSO to calculate the frequency, amplitude, time period etc. of a signal.

Technical specifications:

1. Frequency Bandwidth: 100MHz
2. Input Channels : 4
3. Max. Real Time Sampling Rate: 1GSa/s
4. Power (VAC): 100 to 240
5. Power (Hz): 50/60
6. Coupling Trigger System: AC,DC,HFR,LFR,NR

Function/arbitrary waveform generator

A waveform generator is an equipment used to generate different type of electrical waveforms over a wide range of frequencies. These waveforms can be injected into a device under test and cann be analyzed as they progress through it, confirming the proper operation of the device or pinpointing a fault in it.

Technical specifications:

1. Maximum Frequency: 25MHz
2. Sample Rate: 125MSa/s
3. Frequency Range: 1 μHz to 25MHz (for Sine Wave)
4. Resolution: 1 μHz
5. Modulation Types: AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSK, PSK, PWM
6. Waveforms: Sine, Square, Pulse, Ramp, Noise, DC, Arbitrary

Machine Fault Simulator

Machinery Fault & Rotor Dynamics Simulator (MFS-RDS) is an innovative tool to study the dynamic behavior of rotors supported by oil lubricated journal bearings, as well as other common machinery faults, such as balancing and resonance study.

Technical specifications:

1. Motor: 3 Phase, 1/2 HP motor, pre-wired self-aligning mounting system, 2. Drive: 1/2 HP variable frequency AC drive with multi-featured front panel programmable controller, 3. RPM range: 0 to 6000 rpm (short duration) variable speed, 4. Tachometer: Built-in tachometer with LCD display Voltage:115/230 VAC, Single phase, 60/50 Hz, 5. Shaft Diameter:1/2, 3/4 and 1 inch diameter; Turned, Ground, & Polished (TGP) steel, 6. Bearing: Two full fluid film bearings

Universal Vibration Apparatus

The apparatus provided comprehensive unit to perform the vibration experiments. A universal frame is provided upon which quick and easy assembly of various experiments can be done.

Following experiments can be performed with this unit:

1. To verify the relation simple pendulum, 2. To verify the relation of compound pendulum & to determine the radius of gyration, 3. To study radius of gyration of bi-filar suspension, 4. To study the undamped free vibration of spring mass system, 5. Undamped torsional vibrations of single rotor system, 6. Undamped torsional vibrations of double rotor system, 7. To study the damped torsional vibration of single rotor system and to determine the damping co-efficient, 8. To study the forced damped vibration of spring mass system

Laser Optical Displacement Sensors

Laser sensors are used for non-contact and precise displacement and distance measurements. We have two optoNCDT 1420 laser sensors with different accesories including a IF2004/USB 4 channel RS422/ USB converter and a PS2020 Power supply. These sensors work on the Triangulation Method.

Technical specifications:

1. Measuring range: 200mm, 2. Reference distance to start of measuring range: 60mm, 3. Adjustable measurement rate: 250Hz to 4000Hz, 4. Laser wave length: 670nm, red, 5. Analogue output: 4 ... 20mA, 6. Power supply 11... 30VDC, 7. Power Supply 24 V / 2,5 A, Input 100 - 240 VAC, output 24 VDC / 2.5 A, 8. PCF1420-3/IF2008 Power and output Cable, 3m long, 9. IF2008-Y adaptation cable Y-type, 100 mm long, for the connection of 2 interface cables on same RS422-port (15-pin) of IF2008

ACE microlabbox 1302T

MicroLabBox is an all-in-one development system for the laboratory that combines compact size and low system costs with high performance and versatility. MicroLabBox helps to turn new control concepts into reality along with setting up test or measurement applications quickly and easily.

Technical specifications:

1. Advanced Control Education Kit MicroLabBox consisting of DS1202 PowerPCDualCore 2 GHz processor board and DS1302 I/O board
2. CDP-MP Control Development Software Package
3. MLBX GNU Compiler with USB dongle

Load Cell

Basically a force transducer to convert force such as tension, compression, pressure, or torque into an electrical signal that can be measured and standardized. Honeywell model 41 precision low profile load cell is a "pancake" type load cells. The capacity of the bonded foil, strain gage load cell is 1000 lbs.

Technical specifications:

1. Sensitivity: Almost 0.225 Lbs.
2. Output: 3mV/V
3. Operation: Compression/ tension
4. Excitation: 10 VDC

shaker and power amplifier

This equipments find its applications in Component vibration
testing, Structural testing/modal excitation, Sensor calibration.

Technical specifications:

1. Shaker: 1. Type : V20, 2. Serial Number : 14/A6Q/31077, 3. Weight : 16 kg
2. Power Amplifier: 1. Type : PA100E, 2. Supply : 230 V, 50 Hz, 3. Weight : 8 kg