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Research Highlight

Quantitative measurement of atmospheric trace gases with high accuracy.

Researchers of Applied Optics and Instrumentation laboratory (AOI), Department of Physics, NIT- Calicut developed an instrument that can measure the tropospheric trace gases, especially Nitrate radical (NO3 radical) with high accuracy. The instrument was designed and developed in AOI lab and was deployed in the heart of Calicut city – Palayam Bus terminal, with the help of Calicut Corporation. The experiment’s success was marked by pin pointing the presence of NO3 radical in Calicut city, which is formed in the atmosphere by the chemical reaction of tropospheric Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and O3 (Ozone). The key source of NO2 in the city is from vehicle exhaust and the presence of NO3 indicates that the pollution from the vehicle exhaust is high in the city. By deploying the instrument in the urban area, the researchers proved that the technique used behind the instrument could be used efficiently for the accurate monitoring of other trace gas species too, that have far reaching impact on both climate and human health. The experiment was carried out under the guidance of Prof.M.K.RaviVarma, Department of Physics, NIT – Calicut. Arun R., SuhailKuttoth, SheryaJoshy, Shebin John, Aishwarya S. and Anoop P. were the researchers who worked behind the development and deployment of this instrument.

The specific field measurement and the results appeared in the regional newspaper –Mathurbhumi, Dt. 21-12-2018. Please refer to the following link for online version of the news.