Power Systems is one of the well established branches of Electrical Engineering Department in National Institute of Technology, Calicut. The power system group mainly offers a vibrant environment for postgraduate education and research programs. The Three major research groups in the department are the Power & Energy Systems group, Instrumentation & Control Systems group and the Electrical Machines & Power Electronics group. These groups also promote interdisciplinary research that is in the domain of the faculty expertise.

The Master's degree offered by the department gives the graduate students a thorough understanding of the tools, methods, and practice of power system engineering. The goal of the course is to provide an education that will lead to a career in industry and other research areas. The program is designed to educate a new type of engineering workforce which is currently in high demand.

Right from the start, the power system group was fortunate in having many professors, faculties and students passionately attached to research. The power systems group of the department is regularly consulted by many companies and is still active with its researches and projects. Many alumni of this branch have distinguished themselves in academic institutions, research laboratories, industries and government organizations, both in India and abroad.

The laboratories and research facilities in the Department are well maintained and regularly updated. Members of the faculty are actively involved in sponsored research and consultancy works. The R&D projects undertaken by the faculty have been sponsored by the various government agencies like Defense Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Department of Science & Technology (DST), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) and few industries such as FACT Engineering & Development Organisation. Department has also completed few Consultancy and Testing assignments from orgnaisations like CWRDM, KSEB and other Industries. A number of R&D projects and testing assignments are in progress.