M.Tech in High Voltage Engineering
The department offers a two-year PG course in High Voltage Engineering which will enable the students to critically analyze and carry out detailed investigation on multifaceted complex problems in the field of high voltage engineering and envisage advanced research in thrust areas. They are encouraged to relate the literary concepts to real life engineering problems in this field and to devise strategic solutions effectively. The project works undertaken by our students span manifold domains in the area of High Voltage Engineering.
Mtech Curriculum & Syllabi 2023
Curriculum & Syllabi 2018
Mtech Syllabus
Mtech Curriculum
Major Project
The project work is done and evaluated in two stages. The first stage will be completed in 3rd semester and its assessment will be done at the end of third semester. The second stage will be completed in 4th semester and the assessment is done at the end of fourth semester. Evaluation will be done by a committee consisting of the concerned guide and two/three faculty members in the concerned area of the project nominated by the Programme Coordinator. The program Coordinator of the M.Tech Stream will be a member of the evaluation committee of the projects. The mode of presentation, submission of the report, method of evaluation, award of grades etc will be decided by the evaluation committee.

Major Project 2014-2016 batch
Major Project 2015-2017 batch
Major Project 2016-2018 batch
Individual students will be asked to choose a recent topic in any field of high voltage engineering and give seminar on the topic for 30minuts with power point presentation.

Seminar 2014-2016 batch
Seminar 2015-2017 batch
Seminar 2016-2018 batch