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BTech Engineering Physics


B.Tech Engineering Physics (EP) programme offered by the Department of Physics is aimed to attract bright and talented students with interest in both Engineering and Physics, who want to pursue careers at leading edge of high technology area like Nano materials, Photonics, renewable energy etc. The EP programme by the NIT Calicut is one of the first of its kind in NIT's and was started in 2009. The programme is modeled on the very successful engineering physics programme running at various Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT). It is a research oriented programme, well suited for a research career in industry or academia. Ideally, students who are passionate about Physics and Mathematics and who have a flair for research can do very well here. During the course work, students acquire basic engineering skills like graphics, Engineering Mechanics, workshop practice, programming etc, and also learn core Physics like Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Optics. They are also exposed to advanced level courses like Nuclear and Particle Physics, Relativity and Gravitation, Nanoscale Physics and Photonics. The curriculum also ensures overall development of students, especially in communication, project management, time management, organizational and computing skills.

Intake and Selection Process:

Structure of the Program

Career Prospects:
Opportunities after the B.Tech. Engineering Physics include research oriented career in leading national and international universities, laboratories and research institutes.